BEST LIFE INspiration

A blog by Taylor Wells

Are You Feeling Impatient About a Manifestation?

Oct 22, 2023

Are you feeling impatient about a manifestation? Are you asking your Inner Being (or anyone who will listen haha), "WHERE IS IT?!" 😊😊 If you are, I have a story for you which is indicative of Divine timing. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’«πŸŒˆπŸ˜Š I hope you enjoy it. I do and I tell it all the time. I recommend you do the same re. stories that feel good and are magical.

In 1987 I graduated from college. I went on a ten week backpacking trip to Europe. I paid for it all myself, as I did my college education. #badass 😊😊

While we were abroad, we met up with the love of my life who was also backpacking with friends. I chose the meet up place, “randomly”: Basel, Switzerland.

Fast forward 12 years. I am crying on my mat about to film a yoga video for my friend and teacher. His producer, slightly horrified, moves me from my spot front and center…to the side of the room. I’m pissed. I pick up my mat and move it and after I lay it down I glance to my right and blurt out to a dude I have never met, “Oh my GOD! I had a dream about you last night!” To which said (very handsome) due replies without skipping a beat, “So I am, quite literally, the man of your dreams.”

That dude was/is my HH and he is from, Basel, Switzerland, where he was living at the time.

I was not ready to meet my HH in 1987. He was not ready to meet me. Yet we rendezvoused that summer, unbeknownst to us.

What are the odds?!?!?!

100%. The Universe is on it.

So, CTFD.* It’s happening. And it’s on the way. If you relax into it and allow the natural unfolding of Divine timing. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’«πŸŒˆπŸ˜Š

*A term my bff Jackie’s husband coined - Calm The Fuck Down. 😊😊

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