Imagination Is the Gateway to Infinity and all Manifestation.
Jan 20, 2024
Choose who you want to be. Then use your imagination to be like her. Mimic her. When you go grocery shopping, shop like her. When you take a shower, take a shower like her. When you practice yoga, practice yoga like her. When you meditate, meditate like her.
In thought, word, and deed, mirror her. This is what your imagination is for. When you check your email, check your email like her. When you make a comment in the chat in the Academy, make a comment like her. Emulate it all: her body language, her facial expressions, her voice intonations. You are training your body, mind and spirit to mimic her. With vividness, imagine all the things. When you see her – that’s you. Because you are her, now. So behave like her. Say what she says. You are training yourself into the consciousness of her. When she rubs off on you, you will attract her life.
Remember, doubt is choosing to trust in something you don’t prefer. And when you change your perspective, you change the outcome. Doubt is a belief in something you don’t prefer. And imagination is the gateway to infinity and all manifestation.