BEST LIFE INspiration

A blog by Taylor Wells

The more you celebrate, the more the Universe sends you to celebrate. Β 

Oct 22, 2023

The more you celebrate, the more the Universe sends you to celebrate. βœ¨πŸŒŸπŸ’«πŸŒŸβœ¨


I believe in mining my days for things to celebrate. I don’t believe in “big things” or “little things,” just energy and intentionally choosing what feels good. If you intentionally choose the thought that feels better more, you've got it.


I believe in searching for the good in any situation. I believe in focusing on the good in others. I believe in expecting the good in and from others. I believe in knowing it’s all turning out as it should. I believe in knowing that everything is always working out for me. I believe in the Law of Attraction βœ¨πŸŒŸπŸ’« and I know that this law sends all this energy back to me, in spades. Everyone wins! 😊😊 βœ¨πŸŒŸπŸ’«πŸŒŸβœ¨My life is my message.


Last night my three boy Chickens 🐣🐣🐣 and I celebrated my two year anniversary (10.17.21) of choosing to focus 100% on my Law of Attraction βœ¨πŸŒŸπŸ’« Coaching. I have coached for over 20 years and/but other fun businesses had snuck in which took my drishti (Sanskrit for focus) off of my pure true love of Law of Attraction βœ¨πŸŒŸπŸ’« coaching.


I loved trying, learning from and growing from different businesses and noticing what I loved about them and what I didn’t love about them. This process is a good example of the never-ending process of mining the contrast in life to determine what it is that you do want and then pivoting and turning your attention 100% to what you want so that it unfolds in the physical. Boom! Manifestation.


So we lit candles, sang and had Oreo cake. Then we watched Shark Tank. 😊😊




What can you celebrate now?

Read more blogs to get inspired.Β 


"I Don't Want a Deal."

The ”Business” of Negotiating with Your Ego

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