BEST LIFE INspiration

A blog by Taylor Wells

Two Paradoxes: Arrogance and Waiting

Jan 16, 2024



When you say you’re not good enough.  We think that is humility but it’s really arrogance because we are all created from all that is, the Universe, and are sparks and shiny bright lights emanating from that - and expressing that.  So to say “I am not good enough” implies that “I am different than the others” and, you are not.  We are one, beautifully expressing our individuality through our choice which is the ultimate freedom.  You are so free you can choose to feel not good enough and therefore, choose paradoxically, arrogance.



When you are waiting for it to happen, it can’t happen.  And/but if you are in your highest excitement in the now about whatever is in front of you, then that energy pervades you and it must happen. The ultimate paradox.

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