BEST LIFE INspiration

A blog by Taylor Wells

When We Look in the Mirror Frowning....

Feb 03, 2024
When we look in the mirror frowning, we sometimes ask the mirror to change so that we are smiling.  This is not possible.  We must smile to see a smile in the mirror.   Law of Attraction βœ¨πŸŒŸπŸ’« is no different.  It is the exact same principle.  It seems silly to think that we would frown at the mirror and expect it to smile at us; however, we do this a lot without realizing it. 
Once we choose how we want to feel and decide to choose this emotion, yes, the mirror (the physical world) will change according to your energy and emotion; however, sometimes there is an "echo effect" at first and so the physical world may not immediately shift - and if you react, then you actually haven't changed.  You are asking the external physical reality to be different "so" you can be happy. 
The key is that you choose happiness and then the reflection comes back to you and/but you are not attached to the outcome of the mirror smiling according to your timing and your definition of "smiling." If you are attached to the how and when then the physical cannot change since you haven't actually changed inside. 
The solution?  Choose to stop "needing so many reasons to be happy," and just choose to be happy.  πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š   
The highest excitement formula and complete kit:
#1. Act on your highest excitement - your passion - whatever is most exciting to you, in every moment you can.
#2. Take #1 as far as you can.
#3. Do #1 and #2 with no attachment as to the how and when of the outcome.  This means no insistence, assumption or expectation - leaving it up to the Universe and your higher mind.
#4. Choose to abide in a positive state regardless of what is happening.
#5. Investigate your belief systems regularly. Release & replace beliefs which don’t serve you - beliefs based upon fear and beliefs not in alignment with your authentic self and your ability to follow your highest excitement (#1)


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