BEST LIFE INspiration

A blog by Taylor Wells

You Are Pure Potential and Pure Possibility

Jan 31, 2024
Consciousness is self-awareness, self-reflection.  In order to know that you are you, you have to have something else to compare “you” to.  Without a concept of another you would not have a concept of self.  So consciousness is literally self-reflection - the ability of knowing the self by knowing what is not the self.  This is where contrast comes in.  “I am not that.”
It's so important to “know thyself” because as you do so, you experience more of being “all that is.” 
Your point of power is in paradox, somewhere in-between two things - that which knows itself and that which does not. Everything issues from that starting point.    As you know more of who you are you experience more of being “all that is.” our point of power is in paradox, that which does not know itself and that which does. 

The middle point is the best possible way to know yourself.  As you expand your perspective from your unique point of view you become more and more of who you are.

You have decided here in earth school to forget who you are so you could remember who you are.  So you play the game of imposing on yourself blinders to forget that you are infinite, eternal and pure potential so you can explore and discover new perspectives of yourself.  It never ends.  You are eternal.  You are pure possibility and pure potential.  And/but you must remember this.  You can’t get it done and you never get it wrong.
It's holographic in nature and structure.  The ring has no beginning or end.  Existence is always becoming and being simultaneously – so in that, the paradox.
You are valuable and needed. The fact that you exist is validation enough that you are worthy, your unique experience is important.  Which is why you are here in earth school.

Read more blogs to get inspired.Ā 


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