BEST LIFE INspiration
Taylor's Blog
The Blueprint and Foundation of Your Life
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Just for fun, think about your life as a home. The blueprint of your home consists of...
"I Don't Want a Deal."
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I was in NYC with a dear friend and was showing her my old digs in Union Square. We...
The ā€¯Businessā€¯ of Negotiating with Your Ego
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Here's one way - as always take what you want and leave the rest - to negotiate with your ego,...
The Paradox of Needing It To Happen
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Paradoxically by needing it to happen you fill the space the "person, place, thing or state of...
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Relationships are there to reflect to you more of what you need to know to be more of...
Recognize Yourself as The Storyteller
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Whatever happens, give it a positive spin or meaning and you will extract a positive beneficial...
Hungry Michael
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This afternoon I picked up my youngest Chickens from CVS and we went to the gas station and...
You Don't Need to Learn to Trust
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Please understand a very simple and profound fact. As always take what you want and leave...
Your Authentic Self and Your Authentic Voice
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Speak with the voice of grace, gratitude, and appreciation. Speak with your voice, unique...
Best Valentines Day Ever ā€“ Itā€™s Not What You Think
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Most people think that Valentines Day is all about flowers and chocolates and fancy dinners and...
When It Feels Like Time is Going Slowly
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When it feels like time is going slowly you are not enjoying the moment and being present in the...
How to Create More Time
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People often ask me how I do everything that I do, if I ever sleep, why I am not stressed...
When We Look in the Mirror Frowning....
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When we look in the mirror frowning, we sometimes ask the mirror to change so that we are...
I was Doing the Fire Meditation on LOVE and This Happened....
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This morning I was doing the Fire Meditation I learned from Shaman Durek ("Spirit Hacks") - five...
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Everything is neutral until you assign meaning to it. Day to day in earth school, there is...
Rewiring Your Brain to be a Better Receiver of Your Higher Mind
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The plasticity of the brain is astonishing. Every thought literally changes the...
Using the Power of Paradox to Manifest Easily
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Most people think erroneously that your manifestation is something that doesn’t exist now...
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Everything is neutral until you assign meaning to it. Day to day there is a lot of...
You Are Pure Potential and Pure Possibility
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Consciousness is self-awareness, self-reflection. In order to know that you are you, you...
Negative Beliefs, Part 2
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This is about how to allow your brain to work in the clearest way possible - in the most aligned...
The Secret of All Abundance, Creativity and Manifestation
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When you learn to do more with less you will be able to do less to get more. This is the...
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People sometimes say to me, "Taylor I need to learn to trust."
"No you don't," I reply.
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Prayer is not asking for something. That's something else, but not prayer. Prayer is...